We’re Nuts About You
Here’s to making each mouthful count. After all, happy outsides are an inside job.

Made With Your Health In Mind
Yo’ Nuts is a special mix of seeds and nuts made with your health in mind because quite honestly, we don’t like the idea of you feeling ‘nuts’ when it comes to knowing what’s best to put in your mouth. But we’ve discovered a little secret – Nuts! Which are FULL of the goods. The kind that keep your hormones happy and your hair gorgeous.

It’s Time To Listen
Now we would love to tell you that Yo’ Nuts will save your hair and your hormones, but we can’t. We aren’t allowed to make such bold claims here, but if you’re as smart as what we think you might be, you’ll work it out for yourself. Nourish your body well from the inside out and the evidence is clear each and every time you look in the mirror.

Yo' Nuts To Your Rescue
The ingredients in these packs contain some of the key building blocks your body needs to thrive daily. Rob your body of vitamins and minerals and it will be quick to show you – we’ve all been there! Here’s to making each mouthful count. After all, happy outsides are an inside job and we love giving you a helping hand.
Why Yo' Nuts

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